Nordlys™ IPL Skin Treatment
Looking for an effective treatment to help reclaim your skin’s youthful look, texture and tone? Well, you are not alone. Skin resurfacing is among the most requested aesthetic procedures in the United States.
If you are looking for a solution for keeping your skin’s appearance youthful, a Nordlys laser light treatment might be right for you. With a Nordlys treatment you can:
Smooth textural irregularities
Rejuvenate sun-damaged skin by reducing pigmentation and skin resurfacing
Improve skin texture via skin resurfacing
Refresh your skin and feel confident again.
As we grow older, our skin changes. It becomes thinner and unwanted pigmentation and small vessels can appear. Over time, sun exposure on your face, hands, arms and chest can accelerate the signs of aging.
Fortunately you can rejuvenate* your skin and keep a younger, fresher look with the Nordlys Ellipse IPL™ treatment. Ellipse IPL (intense pulsed light) procedures treat:
Dark spots
Uneven pigmentation
Diffuse redness
Age spots
Ask us how you can benefit from an IPL treatment for skin resurfacing, pigmentation and texture.
What is Intense Pulse Light (IPL) or Photorejuvenation​?
IPL uses multiple wavelengths of light to treat sun-induced changes on the face, including brown pigmentation, age spots and broken blood vessels. IPL is also used to treat the facial changes of rosacea, including redness, flushing and broken blood vessels. IPL is also effective in lightening the staining of facial skin as a result of acne. IPL may be used for these changes on the hands, neck and chest as well.
It is safe, non-invasive and is tailored to the individual patient’s skin.